Versions of the bible
Versions of the bible

English Translations of the Bible, by Edward H.The English Bible before King James, by Cleland Boyd McAfee.Introduction to Early English Bibles, by Michael Marlowe.William Tyndale, Preface to the Pentateuch, 1530 “I had perceived by experience, how that it was impossible to stablish the lay people in any truth, except the scripture were plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue, that they might see the process, order, and meaning of the text.” If a title is currently unavailable through Focus on the Family, we encourage you to use another retailer.English Versions of the Bible Bible Research > English Versions They would love to speak with you over the phone. If you have further questions, or if you’d simply like to discuss your concerns at greater length with a member of our team, don’t hesitate to contact our staff of pastoral counselors. We, of course, are not experts in textual criticism, and would rather leave the resolution of this debate to those who are more knowledgeable in the field. We understand that there are those who believe the so-called Textus Receptus or “Received Text” (which formed the basis of the KJV) is the only version of the manuscript evidence that deserves our consideration and respect. By Cnaan Liphshiz J10:00 am Ayanawo Ferada Senebato, right, and his family shown in. This Israeli family risked it all to retrieve one. This accounts for most of the differences you’ve catalogued. The Orit is a rare Ethiopian version of the Bible. Through this painstaking process, scholars have now assembled a basic biblical text that most experts consider far more accurate and reliable than that which was available to the translators of the KJV in 1611. Nevertheless, minor differences do exist and where this is the case, it is the task of the textual critic to examine the evidence and decide which of the variants is most likely to preserve the words of the original writer. Amazingly, the vast majority of these manuscripts are unified in their testimony. NIV, KJV, NASB, Amplified, Classic Comparative Parallel Bible, Hardcover: The Worlds Bestselling Bible Paired with Three Classic Versions Zondervan on. Textual criticism is the exacting science of comparing and evaluating the variant readings found in these ancient documents. Thousands of biblical manuscripts have come to light during the three and a half centuries since the King James Version was completed, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Oxyrhynchus papyri, and a vast number of other New Testament fragments. In fact, this is not a question of translation at all but rather of determining the exact form of the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. Such changes and omissions are not made at the discretion of the translators. Decide whether it would help you to have the same version as everyone else or a different one so that you can see how different translators have translated. The Old Testament (OT) of the Bible was originally written in the Hebrew language with a few sections written in the Aramaic language. What about the “discrepancies” you’ve noted between the texts of the King James and other modern translations of the Bible? This is an entirely different subject. In general, we would suggest that, for non-Greek-and-Hebrew scholars, a good rule of thumb is “the more translations the better.” If you take the time to compare and contrast a variety of modern versions, you’ll have a much better chance of grasping the sense of the original text than if you stick with one “favorite” translation. This has nothing to do with New Age “plots,” nor does it imply that God’s eternal Word has “changed.” Instead, it’s a question of deciding who has done the best job of putting the original words of Scripture into clear, understandable English. It is an all-round translation, suitable for a wide range of purposes, and has proven especially popular amongst evangelicals.

versions of the bible

That’s why certain Bible versions have earned a place on Focus on the Family’s “recommended” list – for example, the King James Version, the New King James Version, the New International Version (1984 Edition), The English Standard Version, and the New American Standard Bible. The most widely used of any modern Bible version, the New International Version marries meaning-for-meaning principles with word-for-word renderings. A “good” translation is one that remains as faithful as possible to the literal meaning and the spirit of the original texts. No translation can ever be exactly the same as the source material it attempts to represent. It’s all about the difficulties that arise whenever we take ideas originally expressed in one tongue and try to express them in some other tongue.

versions of the bible

The issue with which you’re struggling has nothing to do with “relativism.” It’s purely a matter of language. When Paul wrote that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” he was referring specifically to the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts of the Old and New Testament books.

Versions of the bible